posterDocu-Drama – This series throws the spotlight on the hypnotic moves and private lives of the dedicated dancers on the competitive Latin and ballroom dancing circuit. Capturing the glamour and the rivalry of the world of dancing, viewers get a glimpse of the Latin dance craze and the individuals who train to be the best they can be.

Broadcast:  LIFE NETWORK / 10 x 24 min / English and French language

Writer, Director



About the author

Nathalie Ducharme

Nathalie Ducharme

NATHALIE DUCHARME is a Film and TV director, author, screenwriter and producer with more than one string to her bow. Regularly filming all around the world since 1993, in French and English, she has worked on numerous television documentary series and TV shows broadcasted in Canada, and all around the globe. She is an explorer of the depths of the soul, and a confirmed humanitarian for global social causes. She has crossed the whole world meeting extraordinary people with emotional fortitude.